Los Angeles 2011 Attendees

Attended SpaceUp Los Angeles 2011 in person or remotely and want to stay in touch? Add your information here!

Attendee Affiliation Twitter Days Attending Three-Word Bio
Chris Radcliff San Diego Space Society @chris_radcliff Saturday and Sunday citizen space scientist
Jesse Clark San Diego Space Society @JesseSClark Saturday and Sunday
Joi Weaver @Joi_the_Artist Saturday and Sunday space geek artist
Bruce Allen San Diego Space Society @ballen3787 Saturday and Sunday SpaceVidCast Hanger-on
Randall Clague XCOR Aerospace @rclague
Michael Clive Acceleren Kinectics
Eric Gever Boeing @seg9585
Cariann Higginbotham Spacevidcast @Cariann
Geoffrey Licciardello XCOR Aerospace, Inc.
Roderick Mann Latency: Zero @JetForMe
Molly McCormick Orbital Outfitters @Molliway
Mark Street XCOR Aerospace
Scott Norman SpaceX
Paul Wren Performance Software @elevenpointtwo Saturday and Sunday avionics engineer anthropologist
Kyle Cothern SpaceX @risknc Saturday and Sunday Launch Ops Engineer
Eliza Sheppard Northrop Grumman @apollo1gcw Saturday and Sunday
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