MEC = moonpie eating contest
(insert history here)
03.2009 - GLXP Rematch - Fabio and Pomerantz
?? - And to save time the GLXP/SVC video
04.04.2009 - SpaceVidcast taunts NASA Edge
04.18.2009 - Amanda Stiles and Will Pomerantz
06.22.2009 - Spacevidcast challenges NASA Edge's Blair, and the term "pulling a blair" is born
06.24.2009 - Former X-Prize Social Media Director, Mike Fabio, mentioned the competition in his last blog entry
09.05.2009 - SpaceVidcast contest
02.27.2010 - SpaceUp - Here is the video (courtesy of spacevidcast) of the SpaceUp MEC competition. Skip to 3:00 for the instructions, skip to 12:00 for the actual competition. The winner, Ben Brockert, did it in 59.2 seconds, if you want to skip to the victory speech
Pomerantz could not be there:
- Entire thing: 15 minutes:
- Award acceptance speech:
- Rules from SpaceUp webpage:
Fabio Rules
Fabio Rules for MoonPie Eating Contest (MEC)
1. The contest will consist of the consumption (as quickly as possible) by each contestant of one double-decker MoonPie (NO SUBSTITUTIONS) and one RC Cola (or a carbonated cola product of the contestants choosing). The flavor of the double-decker MoonPie chosen by the contestant is only limited by the offerings available at the time.
2. The contest will start with an unopened double-decker MoonPie and an unopened cola placed on a table in front of each contestant. The on-site MEC coordinator will determine if the contest will be held standing or sitting. The MoonPie and cola must remain unopened until the start of the contest.
3. The MEC coordinator(s) will employ one or more judges and a timekeeper to assure that the contest is conducted in a fair manner.
4. Once the signal is given for the contest to begin, the contestant(s) will open the double-decker MoonPie wrapper and the cola and begin consumption. The contest will continue until either all contestants have completed their consumption activities or they concede. (Concession and subsequent shame will be indicated by the contestant backing away from the table and waving their arms overhead in a crossing motion. This is known as “Pulling a Blair“.)
5. The contestants can consume the double-decker MoonPie and cola in any order they choose, including both at the same time.
6. The winner will be determined as follows: The first contestant to finish both consuming the entire double-decker MoonPie AND drinking the entire cola will be declared the winner. The contestant will indicate that the cola has been completely consumed by turning the cola can upside down and placing it on the table. The MEC judge(s) will determine if the MoonPie has been completely consumed.
7. The timekeeper will report and note the time that the first contestant finishes to determine if it is a new MEC record.
8. The winner of the MEC will be given the opportunity to make a public statement. The loser(s) will be expected to clean up the mess.
9. In case of a tie, the on-site MEC coordinator has the option of implementing the sudden-death rule, which is the timed consumption of a second double-decker MoonPie with no drink involved.
10. Any variances granted to these rules are at the discretion of the on-site MEC coordinator and must be made known to (and agreed to by) all participants. Variations, however will serve to invalidate any time records set and will not be officially recognized by the sanctioning body.
Comments from Quark Spin
on June 23, 2009 at 2:05 am
I provided the first set of MoonPies to the Google Lunar X PRIZE (as a surprise). Will Pomerantz and Mike Fabio took the opportunity to have an eating rematch and post it online (their first eating contest involved ice cream).
Ben and Cariann decided to take the plunge. I sent them Mini-MoonPies because they were n00bies to MoonPie goodness. They taped theirs as well and threw down the gauntlet to the NASA EDGE crew.
The idea was to have several contests among different groups (even talked about pitting NASA centers against each other) and having the finals at ISDC2009. There were delays, however, in getting NASA EDGE to have their contest (Mission Madness) and also a problem in getting everyone to Orlando. (I recently sent MoonPies to NASA EDGE as well, so Blair took up the challenge.)
I’d still love to see some of the NASA centers have MoonPie contests (and post video) as part of the Apollo 40 celebration. I’d also still love to see a MoonPie Smackdown between GLXP, SVC, NASA EDGE and a fourth participant at some point.
This has been great fun — I hope everyone has enjoyed it. Blair is currently looking for a coach and a trainer and promises to try his hand (and mouth, of course) at MoonPie consumption again.
As far as comments concerning Blair’s performance — oh the humanity!!